Friday, November 5, 2010

This Diwali

On Diwali we are supposed to fill ourselves with a new zest for life, sweep away the cobwebs of all the ills which are making us ill. Mostly, anger.

The cosmic powers have already decided what the best is for us; what is left in our hands is to either make the best of it or the worst of it. It should be a constant journey, a constant endeavour to better ourselves. We are indeed surrounded by many auras which determine our way of life and thinking but what we forget is that nobody can permeate our cocoon. It is up to us how we shape our life. So maybe this Diwali, we should light up a diya inside our cocoon to take a stock of all what we have got , all what is only our own and stop worrying about what the person whom we think is the closest to us would think. Light a diya to light up your life. I have lighted up one for me.

The bazaars were totally decked up like a Punjabi princess who is intent on spicing up her attire with more flavours of India. There was a mad rush everywhere to get the best gifts for loved ones but then, people are always rushing about madly everyday. There is this urge to get the things get done hurriedly even if there is no hurry. The small courtesies have long been disposed off (how can they be written off when the new gen doesn’t have the time or inclination to write). If there is any wonder left, it is in the eyes of very young children whose minds have not yet been introduced to the Internet.

So, Diwali was a very routine affair, ending with everybody dutifully lighting up the crackers, making sure that whatever breathable space is left in this cemented town also goes up in smoke.

Here's a Ludhiana girl wishing a happy Diwali to everybody.

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